But... Are They Companions?
What is a companion? There is much debate. A person who has travelled with the doctor in the TARDIS? Well then Liz
Shaw can't be considered a companion; she never took a trip in the TARDIS, but she is a companion all the same.
Someone who helps the Doctor in major way in an adventure? Well, that would make Ray from "Delta and the Bannermen" a
companion, but she has never been considered a companion. A companion is a friend or an assistant to the Doctor, a person who has
adventured with or known him for longer than one adventure - people who can truely be considered companions, rather
than those who travel only briefly in the TARDIS.Companions aren't secondary characters who help the Doctor but
choose not to accompany him on farther adventures (an acception has been made for Grace from the TV Movie). But there
are a few characters that don't fit exactly into the criteria for a companion, yet they do go on to travel with
Doctor but they also aren't major cast members either... These characters sometimes end up on companion lists and
sometimes are left off companion lists for various reasons. I don't list them as companions as I don't think their
contributions or time with the Doctor are significant enough for them to be considered true companions, but they
should be mentioned...